Leeton Public School

Striving for academic, sporting and cultural excellence.

Telephone02 6953 3488


Kindergarten Transition

At Leeton Public School we are passionate about early education. Our students enter an environment which is warm and nurtures not only their academic progress but also their social, emotional and physical development. We understand the importance of these years in forming children's attitudes towards school and learning. Our K-2 staff members are experienced in the needs of early education and are committed to developing the whole child.

Leeton Public School has a long and proud tradition of quality teaching and learning in this community. We strive to build upon this tradition so that school continues to meet the needs of this and future generations of our community's children.

Kindergarten 2026

Leeton Public School offers a comprehensive transition program for children entering Kindergarten. Our Kindergarten Orientation ensures children and parents begin their school life with success.

Our transition practices will focus on orienting children and families to the school environment as experiences and routines remain an important priority for ensuring children have a strong and successful start to school in 2026. The current situation presents opportunities for us to reflect on the ways that we currently support our new families and students and how we can approach these opportunities during 2025 to;

●        build relationships with children and establish a sense of belonging

●        collaborate with families to ensure children are known, valued and cared for

●        connect with early childhood services to share information about children’s learning

Please complete the following forms and return to the office by Friday 13th September 2024 if you would like your child to participate:

Kindergarten Transition Registration (PDF 353 KB)

Health Issues (PDF 106 KB)

All About Me (PDF 94 KB)

Additional Support (PDF 170 KB)

We are now taking enrolments for 2026. If you have a Kindergarten aged child (one which will be turning 5 before July 31 or turning 6 in 2025), then now is the time to seek enrolment at Leeton Public School.

For more information regarding enrolments please contact the school office on 6953 3488 for an enrolment package.

At Leeton Public School we:

  • have an experienced, dedicated, professional and caring staff committed to achieving improved student learning outcomes in a safe and supportive learning environment; 

  • aim to provide students with the skills, knowledge and expertise to help them master the multi-dimensional abilities required of them in the 21st century and beyond;
  • provide opportunities for all staff to engage in quality professional learning activities aimed at improving student outcomes at the school  as shown through formative and summative assessment;
  • showcase the academic, cultural and sporting achievements of our students at every opportunity;
  • are committed to the core values of “Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Resourcefulness” and endeavour to instil these core values through explicit teaching and high expectations at all times;
  • foster a culture of learning across our school focused on developing positive learning dispositions in all students;
  • embrace the use of technology to enhance the learning programs of students with interactive whiteboards in every classroom, extensive information technology programs including STEMShare that involves robotics and coding, information technology hub that accommodates whole classes;
  • are strongly supported by a hard working P&C.

Why Leeton Public School is great!

  • Exceptional Teaching and Learning programs – evidence based approaches to teaching and learning in all classrooms K-6.

  • Quality Teaching – LPS has highly accomplished, skilled and dedicated teachers who are continually updating their skills through a well-developed school based Professional Learning Program.

  • Choice and Diversity – Extensive range of opportunities for students to pursue academic, social, sporting and cultural achievement and excellence through high quality academic programs eg. Premier’s Debating Challenge, Premier’s Spelling Bee, School Choir, School Dance Group, Leeton Eisteddfod performances K-6, Festival of Choral Music, School Spectacular, Educational Excursions K-6, representative sports in all codes.

  • Opportunities for everyone – our school ensures all students, regardless of background, can reach their full potential through diverse learning opportunities as well as multicultural support.

  • Learning is at the core – Value is placed on supporting students to build effective lifelong dispositions and learning habits focusing on Responsibility, Resourcefulness, Reciprocity, Self Regulation and Reflectiveness.

For more information about Leeton Public School please see the 2024 Leeton Public School Handbook PDF 1454KB).